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Sardonyx is a beautiful stone that forms between layers of Onyx, is said to enhance strength and willpower and to increase self-confidence, self control and willpower.

It  is believed to be a stone of love and works to ensure happy marriages and relationships which last. It is also thought to encourage integrity and virtuous behaviour, lifting depression and generally encouraging an optimistic outlook.

It's said to attract friends and good fortune.

Sardonyx can be a useful stone to keep by you when you are learning new things as it is believed to aid the processing and absorption of new information.

Sardonyx is a stone of good fortune and happiness, helping to give you will power.

In physical healing Sardonyx is thought to help repair bones and lungs.

It heals the sensory organs, and strengthens the immune system, helping nutrition and the elimination of waste products.


Green Sardonyx Tumblestone

  • Price is for one stone, approx. 2 cm

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