Emerald is the stone for marriage, long term relationships, and friendships. It is known as the “stone of successful love”. Energetically it is said to nurture the heart and the Heart Chakra.
It is said to bring loyalty and encourage domestic bliss whilst enhancing unconditional love and unity. Emerald stimulates the heart chakra, having a healing effect on the emotions as well as the physical heart.
It ensures physical, emotional and mental balance, encouraging harmony in all areas of ones life. It is said to be proficient at raising consciousness so wearing one regularly can heighten your vibration, enhancing your ability to maintain positivity and enjoy life to the fullest.
Emerald strengthens the memory and encourages clarity of thought. It is also said to be a bringer of truth and discernment.
Emerald Tumblestone
Price is for one stone, approx. 1.5 cm