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THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CRYSTALS is a beginner's guide to crystals from Instagram influencer LovingThyselfRocks (222K) featuring profiles of 100 of the most popular stones plus information on using crystals in ritual and healing.

THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CRYSTALS is a comprehensive beginner’s guide to understanding and working with the stones.
The crystal curious will find an introduction to all of the key crystal applications and concepts, including:
· How to use crystals with other practices such as feng shui, meditation, and reiki
· Crystal correspondences such as color and which stones should and should not be used together
· How to use crystals in ritual, gridwork, and in crystal remedies

Crystal practitioners will learn the science as well as the art of crystals, including crystal lattice systems, MOH hardness scales, high and low vibration crystals, and energetic concepts such as entrainment and how to use intention to work and manifest with your crystals.
The book also includes profiles and meanings for the 100 stones every crystal practitioner should know and work with. Written by crystal influencer, @LovingThyselfRocks and featuring beautiful photography and stunning images of the stones, THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CRYSTALS will become your go-to crystal resource.

The Ultimate Guide to Crystals

SKU: 9780760376614
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