Bustamite is a calcium manganese mineral found typically in metamorphic ores. The best varieties are found in the USA, at Franklin and Sterling Hill, New Jersey.
Spiritually bustamite is an excellent stone for gridding a safe space in which to carry out any form of ritual, initiation or meditation. Used as an aid for meditation it brings a sense of peace and safety. Stimulating conscious dreaming and intuition, bustamite enhances channeling and accesses the angelic realms. This soft pink stone connects us to the energy of creation, helping us to co-create with the divine and to bring our ideas and projects to fruition. It is a valuable ally for working with the inner child, especially when we need to remember how to play and express ourselves spontaneously. It is said to lose its lustre in the presence of danger.
Emotionally bustamite removes old pains, harmonizing the emotional body and healing cellular memory. Bustamite helps us feel less constricted by social rules, the judgement of others, or self-condemnation. By opening the heart chakra it stimulates the ability to joyfully express our ideas, thoughts and energy, and helps us to feel optimistic and to face challenges with a 'can-do' attitude. Bustamite can be used to help with withdrawing the emotional self while remaining physically present, and is therefore useful in times when emotional drama could negatively influence possible outcomes.
Mentally this stone helps us to retain composure and creates inner congruency. With its powerful joyous energy, bustamite stimulates creativity and artistic expression. It helps encourage action towards our dreams and dispels feelings of immobility when we are faced with daunting tasks. It helps us overcome procrastination or avoidance of necessary action.
Physically bustamite stimulates the endocrine system, digestive system and the sexual organs. It is beneficial for cellular memory, calcium deficiencies, circulation, headaches and fluid retention. Wearing bustamite will greatly reduce the severity of stress-related illness.
Bustamite can be cleansed using a soft cloth with a hint of rose oil, or by burning a rose scented incense next to the stone.
Bustamite Tumblestone
Price is for one stone, approx. 1 cm